Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Communication is the Key


  Communication is the key for your child at any age. It might seem typical to talk around your child or talk directly to them to offer instructions or redirections, but are we having conversations with our kids? 

    At any age, is your little one jabbering? 

    They are talking to you! :)

     How are you engaging to them in the conversation? Are they given opportunities to engage in meaningful chats? Sure a quick talk about how school was or to correct your child happens all of the time. But how about asking them their opinions on thing?

     How about asking them what they are interested in-- and why? At first they might be reserved with their response-- because they aren't asked these questions very often. If you notice your child is constantly calling your name or running up to tattle or inform you of every move they make (LOL), they are just eager to engage in conversation, but aren't sure where to start. So, it will be helpful if we parents and teachers, try to reach out to them and have a meaningful conversations. 

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