Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Developing Communication Skills at an Early Age


By Benjamin Stewart

 Talking with your children can help them in so many ways. They also learn how to communicate when parents talk to them regularly.  Talking a lot and responding to your child is a way of encouraging communication. Children are ready to communicate from birth, and it started with crying! We should respond to them to let them know that they are heard and understood. Some tips on how to communicate with your children are: reading books, telling stories, singing songs and nursery rhymes, etc. The sooner they can develop good communication skills, the better prepared they'll be for every aspect of school and home life. 

    It is important that children can communicate as soon as possible. Some benefits when children have effective communication skills are: improve literacy, raise self-esteem, develop creativity, speak imagination, and develop strong relationships. 

    When children knows how to communicate well, they learn fast which also mean more learnings! It boost literacy and learning in general. Good communication skills also help children with their self-esteem. it gives them confidence to communicate with those around them, set boundaries, and develop a sense of pride in themselves. It also develop creativity since they can express themselves in other artistic ways when they have good communication skills. And lastly, good communication skills can help build strong relationships with other people. Communication helps us develop and maintain relationships with people around us. For children, it help them form strong relationship and strong bond with their teachers and classmates which can make them feel supported and confident. 

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