Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Growing Independence: Start with Personal Hygiene


Imagine if your child is independent. Life would not just be easier for you, but it can also lead your child on the right track on being a responsible citizen. Building independence is a part of  an individual's social skills. It also promotes self-esteem and confidence. Teaching your child independence requires small steps. One example is making your expectations known. Kids usually try to rise to meet expectations from adults, as long as they are clear and reasonable. Usually, when expectations are too high, they would give up. But when your expectations are too low too, sometimes it wouldn't challenge them to tackle things they're capable of learning. 

    You can start teaching your kids independence with personal hygiene. Personal Hygiene start within oneself. And good hygiene is a habit that one parent can teach to their child. Kids can practice independence when they practice good hygiene habits. Top 5 areas for personal hygiene for kids include: brushing teeth and oral hygiene, bathing and washing, hair care, hand washing, and hygiene in home. Good hygiene habits are key to ensuring the safety of your child and the children they interact with. 

    Practicing good hygiene is already a big step for children through independence. This might seem small, but this is already a big responsibility for a kid. It is important that they would learn these simple things for themselves so when as they grow up and encounter much bigger responsibilities, they are already disciplined and parents would know that they have a sense of responsibility on their actions. 



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